Friday, January 11, 2013

Well, You Learn.....

Sometimes I really hate blogger. One day it'll let me blog, the next it won't. I finally get to sit down and write!

I have learned my lesson about hosting LTC swaps... Double check to make sure you dished out ALL your cards before sending them. Back in November I hosted not only my first swap, but my fist inchie swap. With over 500 cards to sort I managed to miss an engine set of cards. Luckily they were mine. Well, it is now January 2013 and I'm finally sending out the cards to those who gave me their addresses.  I even had one letterboxer send me a set of inchies related to the swap to send everyone. The stressful part about this is that while i was getting everything ready i could find the set of cards i needed to mail! I looked everywhere and thought I was going to have to restamp them. i did manage to find them. I felt so bad missing that one card. Oh we'll, you learn from your mistakes right?

Now over the past few weeks I have had winter break from school and what not, but I have also been working on some we cards. I only have one set done, an inchie set, but I'm going to post a picture with the card update later. However, before my break on December 22, I had already carved and started stamping my cards for the Places You Find Cats swap. I ended up giving all my blank cards to my secret Santa individual, leaving me with no blank cards. And just to my luck, it doesn't look like I have any white card stock left!

I have decided that I hate white ink. For the Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail, I am carving the rabbit that attacked the knights. Since the rabbit is white I decided not to cut out an outline but keep it solid and stamp the image on black paper with white ink, right? Well it started out with the first ink pad. I got the cheapest ink pad at Michael's which was a bad idea. The ink was more like pain than stamp ink. Not only that but when it dried it was all chalky and could easily be smeared all over the black paper. Fun, right? Well, I went back and got some Color Box ink. Stuffs better, but not my favorite. It works for what I'm doing, look better than the first ink too! Only issue is, well one of a few... It doesn't look the way I thought it would. Could very well be the paper cussing this issue. Another is that I'm trying to draw over parts of it with armed marker but it ends up pink! Blood is not pink! So does anyone have some tips or tricks to using white stamp ink? If o, I'd love to hear!

I also discovered that my work space is very easily invaded by my brothers and their junk. My 15 year old brother set his books and stuff on my cards and my 8 year old brother bend up some up my paper. I also learned tat I need to get better at cleaning up as I go or I never gets clean.
I have learned a lot of things about making cards from my mistakes.mistakes make life interesting though. Also gives me something to write about.

Well, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a happy New Year! Soon I am hoping to post some of my new cards as well as my tutorial on an inchie binder holde I've made. Till then!


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