Sunday, April 28, 2013

Procrastination Is Not My Friend

I tend to procrastinate. Well, mainly with folding laundry but there are times that I procrastinate about other stuff. Like making LTC, or logging finds on AtlasQuest. I do that too.
I joined the "North American Mammals" swap at the beginning of April since I didn't have any cards to do this month. I thought "Hey, I got plenty of time!" So I got my stamp carved right off the bat, I just needed to do my cards. I didn't know how I was going to do my cards. Had the stamp but no idea. Then I decided to find some bark looking paper and some green paper and try to put something together.
Last week I finally got out to Micheals to look for supplies and they didn't have anything I was looking for. I had no idea what I was going to do for my cards. I think I walked around for about thirty minuets, periodically coming back to the scrapbook paper section hoping that  the paper I needed would appear or I would think of something else.
Finally I decided to get some paper with a bunch of trees on it and some textured gray paper I could use as rocks. My new plan was a lot better than my original plan. I also had a 40% off coupon that I really wanted to use so I picked up a Distressed ink pad by Tim Holtz. I've been eyeing the stuff for weeks and I can't wait to use it.
Anyways, I bring the stuff home and it sits in my room for a couple of days until I finally decide to start working on them. Got all the cards cut out, great. Then I wait until Friday to stamp all my ermines. Now, these cards must be sent out four days from Friday. I had my ermines all stamped and ready to get cut out. I wait until Saturday to do this.
Saturday Tyrus comes over to dig out tree roots for my mom so she can plant some bushes instead. I decide to take my stash of ermines outside and cut them out while he works. They take forever to cut out because of their little whiskers. Well noon rolls along and I go in to make us some lunch. I come out some time later and I set down my clipboard of ermines on the ground so I can hold my plate while I sit. Tyrus sits on the sidewalk to eat, next to my clipboard. He reaches over for his glass of milk........and................ spills it all over my little ermines. We just kind of sat there for a moment watching the spilt milk run everywhere. Luckily, he didn't spill it on the five or so I had already cut out.

I threw away my soggy ermines and trudged back inside to restamp my little guys. It set me back about an hour by having to restamp my ermines. I guess this is what I get for procrastinating.
After they were all cut out I had to cut out the little rocks they were going to be sitting on. Got half way through that to realize that when I flip them over the way they needed to be, they didn't have the textured side facing up. I had to recut all of those. 
I finally got the cards done late Saturday night and got them packaged up and ready to send. Did you know that by putting your cards in sleeves make them look so much more awesome and professionalish? I don't usually put my cards in sleeves but I don't quiet trust my glue stick right now. But, of corse I packed them all up before scanning one so I don't have a copy right now to post.
I have a bunch of cards I need to scan and post later. I'll try not to procrastinate about doing that!


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