Saturday, December 8, 2012

"Chevron One, encoded"

It is nice to finally sit down and relax. Though it is very late as I'm writing this, it is still nice.
After the craft show, school work, and my birthday stuff, I can finally just chill.

I just got done hosting not only my first swap, but my first inchie swap. I had 13 participants, in including myself, and 39 different cards. "Cheveron One, encoded" is based off the Stargate from the syfy show, Stargate SG-1.
So here's how it works:

The gate is turned on and a series of symbols are chosen.

When each symbol is chosen...

it is locked into. Each time the symbols, or chevron is locked onto, a man says "Chevron one, locked on to; Chevron two, encoded; Chevron three, locked on to." It is changed throughout each episode what he may say it.

Then a worm whole is open withing the gate...

Then it awaits for someone to travel through the worm hole to another planet based on the chosen cordinations.
So, for this swap all the symbols were carved that were on the Stargate. Everyone did a wonderful job on their cards and it was really cool being able to receive a full set of cards based off my favourite show!
This was my first time doing a swap and I was going pretty well and all. Everyone sent me their cards, I sorted them all out, and got them all ready to mail back to everyone. I had over 500 cards for this swap. It was a lot to sort through and I was just glad I got it to everyone. But..... as I began working on a new stamp for another LTC swap yesterday, I discovered a set of my own inchies that did not get sent out to everyone. Ug! I was trying so hard to be a good hostes and I forgot some cards! Well, now I have to get everyone's adresses to send them this one inchie. Well, I guessed I learned something from this swap. So far everyone has been understandable about it. I'm just glad it was my card I forgot and not someone eleses.
But over all, I think the swap went pretty well. I always strive to so a series that has never been done before.
Well, I am hosting a regular LTC swap if anyone is interested. And trust me, this time I'll make sure I have all the cards in :P It is, Plants vs Zombies and isn't due till March!

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